The Glory is a Netflix original revenge-thriller K-drama based on actual events. The story revolves around a woman named Moon Dong-eun. While still young, her classmates brutally bullied her at school. The abuse leaves her traumatized and on the verge of suicide. Years later Dong-eun returns to exact revenge on her abusers, particularly Park Yeon-jin, her primary bully and the negative lead of the series.
The Glory: Cast
A plethora of characters are involved in this twisted, revenge-drawn plot. Dong-eun, played by Moon Hye-kyo, is the main protagonist of this series. Lee Do-hyun plays Joo Yeo-Jeong, the medical intern and love interest of the former. Lee Do-hyun has previously starred in the K-drama Hotel del Luna. Ji-yeon plays Yeon-jin, the ringleader of her friend group. Kim Gun-woo acts as Son Myeong-o, who plays the part of Jae-jun’s errand boy. Yeom Hye-ran plays Kang Hyeon-nam, the housekeeper for Yeon-jin. Actor Park Sung-hoon portrays another one of Dong-eun’s bullies, Jeon Jae-jun. Jung Sung-il plays Yeon-jin’s husband. Cha Joo-young and Kim Hieora play the final two members of the group of bullies, Lee Sa-ra, and Choi Hye-jeong, respectively.
Moon Dong-eun’s Past
In 2004, during her school years, a gang of privileged students led by a narcissistic girl, Yeon-jin, bullies Dong-eun regularly. She undergoes painstaking and humiliating events. In her own house, Dong-eun suffers from physical violence and sexual assault, leaving her with numerous painful burns on her arms and legs. Yeon-jin’s mother’s connections with the school administration obstruct Dong-eun’s efforts to expose her bullies.
Instead of ruining Yeon-jin’s reputation by labeling her a bully, Dong-eun’s mother receives money from Yeon-jin’s mother in exchange for signing documents acknowledging Dong-eun’s reason for leaving school as maladjustment. After this incident, Dong-eun returns to school and vows to exact revenge on Yeon-jin, declaring that she is Dong-eun’s dream.
Season 1 Summary
Dong-eun begins taking her revenge by disposing of her former abusers and gaining accomplices. To get to the others, she makes use of Myeong Oh, a gang member who bullied her. She stalks Yeon-jin and her family and learns everything about them. Her main target is Yeon-jin, she meets Yeon-jin after taking a job as the new homeroom teacher for her daughter, Ha Ye Sol.
Yeon-jin is terrified! Gyeong-ran, Yeon-jin, Jae-jun, Sa-ra, and Hye-jeong all receive a deserving punishment for their past atrocities. Dong-eun carefully and cruelly rips Yeon-jin’s life apart, piece by piece. Her career has been damaged by incontrovertible charges. Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, her marriage fails, and also she loses her daughter. Dong-eun manipulates Gyeong-ran into meeting his demise. In the end, Hye-jeong and Sa-ra fight, and Dong-eun’s meticulously planned series of events results in the death of Jae-jun. Yeon-jin is found guilty of murder and sentenced to prison, thereby closing her chapter forever. She also deals with other people, such as Yeon-jin’s mother and Dong-eun’s own mother, who played a role in ruining Dong-eun’s life. The vengeful Dong-eun spares absolutely no one.