Naruto as a whole has a special place in my heart. Alluring is the only word that can come to mind when thinking of this film. The last: Naruto the Movie, produced in 2014. Kishimoto himself wrote the movie script. It is the tenth film of the Naruto series, directed by Tsuneo Kobayashi, who has produced and filmed other popular anime movies and shows such as The Twelve Kingdoms (2002-), Montana Jones (1994-), and Drunken Angel (1948). Naruto has many popular voice actors.
The characters have grown into brilliant, capable adults, and the story does a fantastic job of tying up some of the unanswered plot threads left over from the Manga. You’ll be surprised to see the Newly Grown Naruto.
The Last: Naruto the Movie – Gist of the plot
Hinata Hyuga’s younger sister (Hanabi) has been kidnaped, so Naruto must do what he can to save her. The film strongly focuses on the growing relationship between Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga (Hanabi’s older sister) as the two take upon the obstacle ahead with the help of their friends.
The Last: Naruto the Movie does a great job of showing how his feelings change from friendship to love. It was a masterpiece. It’s the only one that develops the overall storyline. That’s why Out of all the Naruto movies that I’ve seen (I’ve seen all of them), I rank this one the highest among the list.
Depiction of Naruto and Hinata’s love story
The gold part for me was NaruHina moments. During Hinata’s introduction in the series, her feelings for Naruto were tremendous. She admires him and is incredibly shy around him, almost unable to form a sentence. Naruto, however, spends most of his childhood and teenage years oblivious.
If I were to talk about the “Romance” in this movie, it’s something unusual. The romance handles very nicely. Even the romance in this movie comes with maturity. It was able to make you emotional and be more connected with the character.
During the events of The Last: Naruto The Movie. Thanks to a Genjutsu, Hinata, and Naruto become tangled in each other’s memories. Naruto gets to see himself through Hinata’s eyes, realizing just how much she cares for him. The experience opens his eyes to how much he has grown to care for her.

Naruto and Hinata’s first meeting is detailed in The Last: Naruto The Movie. If you’re wondering why it took 15 years for Masashi Kishimoto to reveal how they first met, get in line. Either way, the fans were happy about this tidbit of information. This explains more in-depth why Hinata loves him.
On the first day of school at Konoha Academy, Hinata is bullied because of her Byakugan. Naruto comes to Hinata’s defense. Although he is beaten unconscious, he inspires her by not giving up, lets her keep his red scarf tattered in the crossfire, and causes her to begin watching him.
NaruHina Moments – Fans favorite
While practicing her confession in front of his house, she happens to meet Naruto, and her stomach growls. Without thinking of his word choice (which is nothing out of the usual for him), he invites Hinata to eat ramen in his apartment, and she runs away, much to her embarrassment.

Who could ever forget this moment? With an episode name like “Confession” and an extra episode that showed why Hinata loves him, it appeared she was dead after the episode ended as well. After Hinata spots Naruto pinned down with her Byakugan, she jumps to his defense to protect him.
Despite Naruto telling her to leave, Hinata confesses her love for him and could pull out a few receivers before Pain “kills” her with one of his black receivers. The moment was a staple for her as a character and cemented many fans’ opinions – who Naruto should end up with when the series ends.
However, the way it plays out differs for the two characters. For Hinata, it’s all about finally mustering the courage to tell Naruto how she truly feels while Naruto comes to the realization about Hinata’s feelings and therefore needs to evaluate how he, in turn, feels towards her.
Naruto And Hinata’s Kiss (The Last: Naruto The Movie)

Another thing fans have been waiting for: Naruto and Hinata’s kiss. It wasn’t any ordinary kiss; it was a kiss while floating in the sky in front of the moon. Talk about a perfect first kiss.
The number one Naruto and Hinata moment is one we never thought we would get: their wedding. The final arc of the series, Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding, is about their friends and citizens of Konoha plan to get them as a present.
And it’s a beautiful end, especially given how hard it was for our hero growing up.
Well, I still can’t stop thinking about this film. I never expected the movie to be this great. I was completely overwhelmed watching this movie. I’m a big fan of the “Naruto” series, and this movie knows how to keep up with the expectations. This film does a fantastic job of bringing all of the subgenres together.
In Conclusion
The Movie might be too slow, but it’s fun to watch, and not a single point made me bore. It had a bit of everything, action, comedy, and, most importantly, the simmering romance between Naruto and Hinata, which the fans have been waiting for years. There are fighting sequences spread out across the two-hour duration; there is also a villain. But all that stuff is just a backdrop for the main focus, which is without a doubt the love between Naruto and Hinata.
In the end, I personally love Hinata rather than Sakura, so it was a bit plus point for me.
And it’s a beautiful end, especially given how hard it was for our hero growing up. Please, if you were ever fond of Naruto at any point in your life, do yourself a favor and watch this movie so you can see his long-deserved and well-earned happy ending. It’s not only satisfying, but it helps you transition over to the next part of the story, which should be coming soon.
Words alone could not describe this film’s beauty. I strongly recommend this movie to Naruto fans and even the people who have never seen Naruto before. It is a film you should not miss.